Alessandro Brusa does America
With such a pornographic and definitely not serious title, I am finally presenting you my first “release” in the United States.
I am extremely proud to see my poetry featured in “ASSARACUS“, the literary review voted as “Best New Magazine” in 2012 by the “Literary Journal” and, being part of the Sibling Rivalry Press production, recently inducted into the Rare Books and Special Collections Vault at the Library of Congress.
But before getting down to the poems, I want to repost something Bryan Borland (editor and poet) wrote on his Facebook profile a few months ago:
“Ya know. I was all set to allow Assaracus to quietly step to the side with Issue 20 after five years of never missing a deadline or an issue. I’d removed the renew subscription option and made my plans. And then a comment was directed at me (and particularly at Assaracus) on a “news” site following SRP’s appearance at the Library of Congress that said, “I remember when the queers used to say “All we want is to be left alone”. Eventually they were left alone. They discovered they were not happy because they need to always be the victim. So now they pushed for gay marriage and try to force everyone else to agree with their lifestyle. Anyone who does now cow to their perversion is branded for being a hater. The queer community cannot and I mean cannot EVER not play the role of victim because if they are not, then they are left to their own deviancy and the self hate that they truly feel. These people are mentally ill and need help but encouraging them is not the answer. The drug use and destructive behavior of their community is well documented. Let us pray for them but also realize that their biggest enemy is themselves.” And then I remembered why I started Assaracus in the first place. For you in Alabama. And for you in Montana. And for you in Russia. And for me, back when I was 16 in Monticello, Arkansas. And then I decided Assaracus is not going anywhere. Five years? Nah. Let’s take this baby to ten years. Subscriptions are back up, and we need YOU. If you’re a subscriber, please renew. If you’ve never subscribed, now is the time. If you’re in school or work on campus, suggest us to your library. We’re in, and we’ll still work our asses off, because someone out there needs us. And they need you, too.” here come the boys!
# 1
Thick coffee digs
into my nostrils
while leaning here, naked
I rest my head
on the shirt you
raised over my face
lying so clean
on my shoulders,
behind my neck
some fine sweat
trickles down
from nipples to tummy
and further down
where I’m least interested
in being a man.
[ Caffè s’impunta / in su per le narici / mentre disteso e nudo / appoggio il capo /sulla maglia / che mi hai sollevato / oltre la testa / e che resta così / attorno alle spalle / e dietro il collo / poi sottile sudore /s’abbassa / dai capezzoli al ventre / e più giù, / dove meno mi interessa / essere uomo. ]
# 2
It’s like playing a
small family
a punished Oedipus
and that little violence
that makes me hard
like a rock
when we’re like one
between the others
and the others are one
who eats your life
your neck, your shoulders
your armpits
and your asshole too
and when you kiss
you taste the man
you married
who you renew your love to
: even tonight,
even like this.
[ È gioco di una / piccola famiglia / un Edipo corretto / e quel poco di violenza /che mi fa tirare il cazzo / come marmo / quando siamo l’uno tra gli altri / e gli altri è uno / che ti lecca la vita / e la nuca e le spalle / e le ascelle / ed il buco del culo / e che quando ti bacia / senti il sapore dell’uomo / che hai sposato / a cui stanotte rinnovi / il tuo amore anche così.]
# 3
I would kiss you
among purple shoots
and dark fissures
and split in soil
of taste
and rows stuck
on palate
and tongue
you turn away from me.
[Ti vorrei baciare / in mezzo ai tralci viola / e bruni in fessure / spaccati nella terra dolce / di sapore / e fila serrate al palato / ed alla lingua / che mi tieni lontano.
# 4
With those steps
I lose my senses,
and on my side
and to you
I’m like a dog
following the
scent of must.
[ Perdo il senso / in quel passo, / e il fianco / e ti sto come cane / che segue / mosto d’uva.]
# 5
I turned my steps into those of a giant
I did it like common peasants do,
with the same ignorance they
ask summertime for as much rain as they like;
I grew thinner with time
slowly, and sinking to a smaller mesh
I hang on to my neck
in a single moment, after dark;
but I am here now, and in this mess of ways
I don’t know what voice will tell you my name,
if frailty is a wood I don’t know.
[ Ho tramutato i miei passi in orme di gigante / l’ho fatto con l’ignoranza spicciola del contadino / che all’estate chiede pioggia a suo piacimento; / mi sono fatto sottile negli anni / con lentezza e calando ad una maglia più fine / mi sono stretto al collo / in un momento solo, dopo il tramonto; / ma ora sono qui ed in questo mondo di strade / non so con che voce dirti come mi chiamo, / se la fragilità è un legno che non conosco.]
It’s leaves and they’re dried
this memory made of shadows
fading onto the bones
coming back to me uninvited
it’s my steps towards you
so near as to skim your skin
and measure your guilt
against mine,
put on the pan of shame
you share with the faith
I never had
now that pan is empty
deprived of the body you had
and which, as a feather, is here to weigh
your pain,
you so beautiful even in this wind
that has always brought me years
and that now takes them back
while candle fading you burn out slowly
day after day,
under this lover’s gaze of mine
you who are made of nothing
(I felt cheerful when I woke up today
you will tell me why, when like every other day
we’ll meet on our way to the latrines)
and like a kid in a playground
I will throw against you all the leaves
I’ll find on this hard soil and yellow
and brown and red as they never
were in my country
and you will stare at me like I’m a fool
as if to understand something that
is beyond your imagination
a fool who covers you in leaves
and smiles to this stump of you
wishing for a bonfire to raise
from this pain
and if you no longer believe in god
you will believe in me
and in this kiss I give you,
that tastes of your last november.
[Sono foglie e secche / questa memoria fatta di ombre / che si spengono sulle ossa / e che torna anche se no, io / non l’ho invitata / sono i passi che facevo verso di te / quel tanto per sfiorarti / e misurare la tua colpa con la mia, / messa sul piatto della vergogna / che condividi con la fede che / io non ho mai avuto ora quel piatto è libero, / svuotato del corpo che avevi / e che piuma sta ora lì / a pesare il dolore tuo, / che sei bello anche in questo vento / che mi ha sempre portato gli anni / e che ora se li prende, mentre candela / ti spegni piano / giorno dopo giorno, sotto il mio / sguardo innamorato / fatto come sei di niente / (mi sono svegliato allegro oggi / e se non so perché me lo dirai tu, / quando come ogni giorno ci incontreremo / nel tragitto alle latrine) / e così come in uno scherzo ti butterò / addosso tutte le foglie che troverò / su questa terra dura e gialle e marroni / e rosse come nel mio paese non sono mai state / e mi guarderai come un pazzo / come a capire qualcosa che / è oltre la tua immaginazione / un pazzo che ti ricopre di foglie / e sorride a questo mozzicone che sei / sperando nasca un falò da questa pena / ma da un anno a questa parte / la tua fede si è aperta / e credi davvero a tutto, / anche a questo bacio che ti dò / e che sa del tuo ultimo novembre.]